
Best 5 Apps for Bet­ter Time Management

12. July 2019

Do you know that feeling of never having enough time? The days just fly by? Would you rather go to bed with the great feeling of accomplishment and a completed to-do list?

With increasing demands in our business and private lives, good time management is key to get our tasks done and still have time to relax. Our digital age offers some great apps to support us with this.

Check out our top 5 time management apps to boost your productivity and to help you get the most out of your precious time.


1. 1-3-5 Method
Set realistic and attainable goals with the 1-3-5 method: 1 main goal, 3 medium and 5 small goals. This prioritization organizes our busy daily life, which brings inner calm. In the premium version you can personalize, categorize and share your lists with other users.

135 is available in free and premium versions.


2. Evernote
Evernote lets you manage anything from major projects, personal moments up to meal and weekly plans. Evernote is a central location for your notes, ideas, lists and reminders. You can add attachments, audio recordings or clip websites. You can even search within hand-written notes. Moreover, the homepage offers many helpful tips on how to organize yourself and use Evernote, like these four strategies.

Evernote is available in a free and two premium versions.


3. Pocket

Does that happen to you, too, that you just quickly want to google one thing but end up reading something completely different? These digital detours cost us a lot of time. In such situations, Pocket is the ideal tool for a better time management. To make sure you are not getting distracted, you can use the Pocket button to bookmark a website and save all the interesting links, articles, websites and so on for later. When it is in your „Pocket" it is one your device – even when you are offline (premium version). Estimated reading times support your time management further and help you making the most of your time.

Pocket is available in free and premium versions.


4. Forest
According to a study, it takes about 25 minutes to return to an original task after an interruption. Therefore, briefly checking Facebook, Instagram or quickly sending a message et cetera costs us way more time than one thinks and considerably lowers our productivity. Forest offers a great incentive to put the phone down and work with full concentration. With every concentration phase (30 minutes) you plant a virtual tree that only grows when you do not interrupt your concentration. The special part: you get credits, which you can use to plant real trees. In collaboration with their partner Trees for Future, nearly half a million trees have been planted worldwide. This way, your productivity and the earth benefit alike.

Forest costs 1.99 USD.


5 Kiwake
Are you one of those people who hit the snooze button a dozen times in the morning? Just to get up late and then hurry through the rest of your morning to be on time? Then Kiwake is the solution for a relaxed way to start your day. The smart alarm helps you to develop a powerful morning routine and turns you into a real early bird. Kiwake leads your through a three-step wake-up process: physically (picture of an object far away from bed), mentally (mini games) and motivational (daily goals).

Kiwake costs 7.99 USD.


Do you know one of the mentioned apps? Or do you have different time management app? Share your experiences with us, we are looking forward to your feedback.

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