Coopers World

Coopers Christ­mas Party 2019

13. December 2019

THE ROARING 20s – the theme of this year's Christmas party! Given this special occasion, business outfits were swapped for feather boa, finger wave, tweed flatcap and knickerbockers. Everyone did one's best bib and tucker and was excited what the night would bring. Everything was secret until the very last second. Secret location. Secret dinner.

It was a perfect surprise! We had a terrific evening with a 5-course dinner à la Bohème, Champagne, a 20s show and even Roulette. A party in the lap of luxury, just as you would expect it from the golden 20s.

A Coopers Christmas tradition we surely didn't want to miss this year: the Secret Santa! Everyone received a small gift of a colleague. It was nice to see how thoughtful the presents were and how much joy they brought.

Below we present some pictures of this glamourous evening. Have fun clicking through them!

Your Coopers Team