Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence: Danger or Opportunity?

23. September 2020

Artificial intelligence (AI) enables machines to learn from experience, to adapt to newly incoming information and to perform tasks that require human-like thinking. Most examples of AI in use today - from chess-playing computers to self-propelled cars - are based primarily on deep learning and natural language processing. With these technologies, computers can be trained for specific tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in this data.

AI, simply explained, is the attempt to transfer human learning and thinking to the computer and thus give it intelligence. Instead of being programmed for every purpose, an AI can find answers and solve problems independently. What once began as the science of computer programming has developed more and more into the study of human thinking.

However, if you read about AI nowadays, it has little to do with what you know from movies and books. In real life, AI only comes across to you in a hidden way - for example, when new products are recommended to you on, when people in a photo are automatically recognized or when you chat with "Alexa" or "Siri" on your cell phone.

It is already clear today that artificial intelligence is revolutionizing societies, industries, companies and value chains. From human resources and production to marketing and sales.
Robot-controlled process automation is used for repetitive tasks that are normally performed by humans. Machine learning algorithms are integrated into analysis and CRM platforms to uncover information on how to better serve customers. Chatbots are integrated into websites to provide immediate service to customers.

Like many new technologies, AI fuels fears. A famous study by the University of Oxford analyzed in 2013 that 47 percent of all U.S. jobs were at risk from automation, a significant proportion of which were AI. So, is AI a danger for the employee?

AI will undoubtedly take over manpower from humans, and when it does, it will do so completely - meaning that no human will be needed for this one task. These are mostly tasks that are not much fun, monotonous and repetitive in nature: watching surveillance videos, answering standard questions, searching through documents. At the same time, however, new jobs will be created, driven by the innovative AI business models. People will then have more time to devote their manpower to new tasks because they will be working with the AI.

It will certainly be some time before AI will be everywhere, but that time will come sooner, because once an area benefits from AI, it will have advantages over its human counterparts and thus drive them out of the market.

What are your experiences with artificial intelligence? Share your experiences and knowledge with us and leave a comment.

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