3. The Best Scrum Certifications

25. April 2018

In previous Coopers blog posts we have spoken to scrum expert Tobias Müller from about scrum roles and scrum tips for managers. Now we would like to know how important he thinks scrum certificates are for someone working in IT today.

Maybe you are already working in an agile team or your company is in the process of transitioning to agile, or maybe scrum is something your friends chat about whilst sipping their after work beer and you would like to find out more about it. In that case this blog post could help you!

Tobias Müller says that personally he would never employ anyone who has „only" completed a scrum certificate and never worked in an agile team. Everyone who works in an agile team is responsible for their work and works independently. For some people this is already a challenge. By nature humans are lazy. People who have not learnt to overcome this laziness will most likely have difficulty working in a scrum team.

A Brief Overview of Scrum Trainings and the Scrum Alliance are the biggest organisations that offer scrum trainings. You can complete scum certificates on and the scrum alliance offers a more expensive 2-day training course with a test at the end. If you can prove that you have worked in a scrum team for a certain number of hours then you can do the Scrum Professional Certificate.

According to Tobias Müller the „Certified Scrum Developer" is the most useful certificate. The Scrum Alliance offers this as a five-day training. The goal of this training is to:

1) Learn the foundations of Scrum and the scope of the Certified Scrum Developer's role from the best minds in Scrum.
2) Expand your career opportunities by staying relevant and marketable across all industry sectors adopting Agile practices.
3) Engage with a community of recognized Scrum experts who are committed to continuous improvement.

It will be worth having scrum/agile work experience on your IT CV whatever certification you choose. We wish you the best of luck with your advanced training!

If you are interested in reading our previous scrum blog posts you will find them here:

1. Scrum Roles

2. Scrum Tips for Managers