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Batch Record Reviewer

m/w/d, Wallis

You will be in a close collaboration with the Bioprocess Engineers and Quality Assurance regarding the products produced and their good documentation practice

Start date: Immediately

End date: 31.12.2024


Your tasks:

- Independent review of operational paper-based and electronic manufacturing records on schedule:

o Checking whether the materials used were approved at the time of production

o Carrying out the audit trail reviews

o Checking whether required Filter Integrity Tests (FIT) are available and have been successfully completed

o Check whether trends, parameters and CPP are within the given limits

o Checking the LIMS labels for correct labeling in the manufacturing protocols

o Creating and editing CAPAs in the Trackwise system

- Collaboration in continuous improvement processes in the BRR area

- Supporting the other BRR departments (QA, BPE)

- Participation in cross-departmental meetings (QA, BPEs)

- Implementation of logbook reviews


-  Bachelor's degree (science, engineering) in chemistry, biology or similar is an advantage

- Completed vocational training required

- Accurate working and documentation skills required

- Execution of work with high safety and quality awareness required

- GMP experience an advantage


Job Profil
  • Wallis
  • Contracting
  • Immediately - 31.12.2024
Samrawit Isaak

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Wir freuen uns auch über Spontanbewerbungen.

Samrawit Isaak
Senior Talent Acquisition Consultant
+41 41 632 43 39


Sonnenaufgang in der Schweiz

ISO Zertifizierungen

Coopers Gruppe wurde ISO (re)zertifiziert in Qualitätsmanagement (9001-2015) und Umweltmanagement (14001-2015).

Mikrophon mit einem dunklen Hintergrund, oben rechts im Bild ist ein Foto von einem Mann, Christopher Cushnan

Partnerschaft und Vertrauen

Unser allererste Coopers Kunde verrät uns im Interview, was für Erfahrungen er mit Coopers bereits gemacht hat und was die langjährige Partnerschaft so besonders macht.

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